Thursday, October 23, 2008

My understanding of how CTA makes policy decisions

I spoke for a short time with Chuck, our building representative, and Tony (retired FSTO Pres) yesterday to find out who makes the decisions about what CTA supports.

As I understand it...there is a body of about 1200 members (Chuck is one) who meet regularly in Sacramento to review bills and decide what CTA will/won't support. We voted these people into office, I believe, and they represent 340,000 teachers statewide. They review upcoming legislation to determine how each relates to education and the classroom. They argue, sometimes heatedly, and eventually make a decision. However, Prop 8 probably did not go through this type of review "because it's not really education-related."

  • If it's not education-related, why is CTA taking a stand in the first place?
  • If it's not education-related, who made the policy decision?

Apparently, if an issue does not go through a committee, the policy decision is made by the Governing Board (about 10 people?) and President David Sanchez (who has ultra-liberal views).

Chuck and Tony agreed that if we want to make a difference, we need to get involved and make our voices heard. I have to admit to being guilty of non-participation and simply voting without any knowledge. It may be time to change that.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Very imformative for me, I didn't know any of this stuff. The blog is a GREAT idea!